Oakwood Youth Challenge is a Christian charity that aims to provide physical, social and spiritual challenges to those who visit us. Our primary focus is local youth aged between 8-18 and we have strong links with local schools, church youth groups and district councils. Oakwood was purchased in 2002 and began its journey being transformed from a pig farm into a thriving charity. Over the years Oakwood has sought to grow and develop to meet local need and now operates a 100 bed outdoor residential centre and a busy indoor climbing centre on the same land.

Challenge is part of what we do at Oakwood; so that we can help those who come through our doors to move forward and upward.

We believe that everyone should have a mountain to climb, a challenge to meet, a goal to aim for. While striving for these things people will experience good and bad times and have to take some risks.

We aim to provide people with the skills that they need to meet these challenges, face the risks and ultimately succeed.

There are various pathways for you to get involved with our work, if you have qualifications then look at the jobs page, otherwise have a look at becoming an instructor or doing an internship with us run in partnership with Foundation Church Wokingham.